A corporate director turning web developer with a degree in industrial and mechanical engineering

20 years on operation control solutions, now coding my owns.

Front end

Simple, yet efficient HTML, structuring sites, enhanced and modified by CSS & JavaScript.

html logoCSS logoJS logo

• Compatibility
• Lightweight and Fast
• Responsive Design
• Rich User Interfaces
• SEO-Friendly

Back end

High-level web framework for rapid development, clean design, and pragmatic principles.

python logodjango logo

• Rapid Development
• Batteries-Included
• Scalability
• Security
• Community and Documentation
• Versatility


SQLite: simplicity, efficiency, and reliability for data storage and retrieval

sqlite logo

• Lightweight
• Self-contained
• Cross-Platform
• Ease of Use
• Transactional Support
• Community Support

Industrial and mechanical engineer graduated 20 years ago

a seasoned corporate exec turning the page to launch my own web development agency. From humble intern beginnings, I climbed the ranks to Operations Director, orchestrating efficiency like a maestro. Along the way, I've clocked in work hours in 10+ countries, blending business with the thrill of travel. Now, I'm embarking on a fresh journey in the web development realm, ready to bring my global experiences and leadership chops to this exciting new chapter.
1. Experience

With a solid 20-year run in operations management, I'm bringing all my backstage magic to the web development stage. Yeah, it's a switch, but efficiency, process optimization, and smooth workflows? That's my jam, and it's the secret sauce for a kick-ass web development agency.

2. Leadership

Been the captain of a few ships, steering teams through the stormy seas of corporate life. Turns out, leading a crew, solving conflicts, and making strategic calls are universal skills. So, let's bring that leadership mojo to the web development playground and make some waves.

3. Vision

Call me the industry clairvoyant—I've got the knack for seeing beyond the horizon. While I may not have coded in my sleep, my knack for predicting trends is uncanny. Let's apply that crystal ball magic to the agency, shaping a future that's as bright as a pixelated sunrise.

4. Network

Networking? More like making cool connections and building a web of awesome peeps. After years of rubbing elbows in the corporate realm, I've got a squad of talented friends, potential collaborators, and industry rockstars. Time to call in those favors and launch this web dev adventure!

"DONE", the app

Brand identity
Graphic design
Web development

My very first app developed in 2 months working on an average of only 2 hours a day. It's a productivity software designed to help individuals and teams organize, prioritize, and track their tasks and projects

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Django allAuth

User management
Social Log-in
Data Privacy
Web development

Django Allauth is a third-party Django package that provides a set of integrated authentication, registration, and account management features for Django web applications. It is designed to simplify the implementation of user authentication and authorization processes in Django projects.

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Django Forms

Form Class
Form Validation
Web development

In Django, forms play a crucial role in handling user input, processing data, and validating information submitted through HTML forms. Django provides a powerful form handling system that simplifies the creation and processing of forms in web applications.

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Interactive tables

J Query
Web development

Incorporating interactive tables into web development not only improves the functionality of data-driven applications but also contributes to a more intuitive and engaging user interface. The flexibility and interactivity they offer cater to diverse user needs, making them a valuable component in modern web development.

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My journey to six-Figure Income

Embarking on the path to a six-figure income is more than a professional aspiration; it's a commitment to securing a better future for myself and my family. Fueled by the desire to provide, this journey symbolizes a dedicated pursuit of financial stability and a brighter tomorrow.
1. Get the Basics: Create My First Application and My Portfolio Website
2. Co-develop: Learn How to Work Within a Team of Developers.
3. Get My First Client as Freelance.
4. Team-up and Network.
5. Get My First Client as Agency Owner

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